Wednesday 26 October 2016

Legion (Explicit)

Okay, well this was the definite nope novel. Nope, nope, nope, all that nope and more nope. "Legion" AKA The Night Terror is a brilliantly written novel with some excellent themes and one hell of a storyline. If you really want to be frightened/shocked to death - then this is the book for you. I don't think I've ever read anything scarier than this right here - and I've read an awful lot of Stephen King.... IT is just a new level of frightening though. We're excluding that one for the point of this post. 

I found this book whilst browsing the internet for new scary books I could read. I wanted something to truly terrify me - not many books have done that and no films have. I'm a horror junkie - yes. I will go out of my way to look for frightening and disturbing things because I find it fun. So now you know - except for people who know me already. 


My favourite character is Kinderman. He seems like the Sherlock Holmes guy of the whole situation - a book that centres of finding out about one of the most infamous killers of the new age seeks to create a character that is his direct opposite. Kinderman is this character. An immensely intelligent man who seeks not only to prove, but to understand what the fuck is happening. It's crazy...


So my favourite theme was religion. As the proclaimed sequel to "The Exorcist" - what do you think would be more prominent than using religion as a tool to invoke terror. It doesn't really work on me - but the graphic descriptions were enough to gross me out completely. That's why I say this book is the thing that nightmares are made on. (A variation on Prospero) (laughs hysterically at own joke)


Well, I think the opening scene was enough to make me want to read it until the end. A 12 year old boy is found dead - not just dead but crucified. Wow. If the opening image to a book is a crucifixion and you "don't" want to read on - you have something wrong with you. It was truly exciting - even though the book was actually nope island. 


I give this book 9

100% for characters: This was done much better than its predecessor. This time we got an intelligent man seeking understanding rather than a drunk priest who complained about his mother until she died. 

100% for themes: I really love the theme of religion as a scare in horror - I'm interested to see how it's used. Not to say I'm not religious - I just... I'm gonna moonwalk out of this one*

100% for storyline: Holy shit - crucifixion - Gemini killer? Yep. 

*In no way do I endorse any anti-religious beliefs and I do not seek to offend anyone - I have been picked up on my slight offences before and that is why I seek to keep my religious values to myself. I apologise for any offence I may have caused. 

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