Thursday 11 August 2016

In Search of Lost Time Volume 2: Within a Budding Grove

Please note: there are two translations to this: I have read the one entitled "Within a Budding Grove" - there is also one called "In the Shadow of Young Girls Flowering". Both are the same text. 

This was slightly more interesting than the first volume. At the moment, I'm actually on Volume 4 - but with the whole "Atlas Shrugged" thing going on - have been to busy to update at night. Also, I watched Bo Burnham's "Make Happy" on Netflix - I suggest you give it a watch - it's brilliant! So, this is why Volume 2 has come so late. 


My favourite character in this volume was Madame Swann and I believe that her social status and the uncertainty of it was probably the most three dimensional thing about her. She continues to be unsure about it - as does the narrator - the reader gets the feeling that she is inferior, not because of her social status, BUT because of the uncertainty in who she is. Love it. 


Okay, so it's not a theme - it's a symbol: the Champ Elysees. This symbol is made to represent a sort of waiting for hopefulness. As this monument represents the hopefulness of state and people in France, I thought that the narrator anticipating and going on a trip to this wonder was probably the best idea for this novel. 


My favourite thing about the storyline is when the narrator falls in love with Albertine. Purely because this is what we've all been waiting for - then the end image of the volume (which I will not spoil for you!) fits perfectly into place. 


I give this volume 9. 

100% for characters: Yes, the class struggle is real. 

100% for themes: Okay, fine - technically symbols. But, it's still valid!

100% for storyline: A big improvement from the first volume! 

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