Sunday 7 August 2016

I Capture the Castle

Well, this book I read during the summer of my first year of university. I thought "maybe it's time for a change from all of the depressing gothic stuff and Shakespeare fan lit." It didn't go down the way I expected. This book had great themes and wonderful language use - shame about everything else though. I just didn't find it gripping. The storyline was a little lost in translation and I couldn't really get into the characters - there was a sort of wall built between reader and character. And I never like it when I can't get into the characters.


My favourite character was probably Topaz, the second wife of Mortmain (a guy with writer's block). Topaz is only my favourite character because she seems just as bored with the Mortmain family as I am. I only really like Mr. Mortmain (the father) because he is the epitome of the tormented artist. Kind of a Jacques-Louis David figure, I suppose. 


Ah! The only worthwhile thing about it! I really enjoyed the theme of Biblical Allusion. There were so many references to Jacob and Esau. For instance, the book Mr. Mortmain is writing is called Jacob Wrestling. Also, there's references to Jacob's Ladder and fighting angels all over the place. This is one thing worth reading this novel for. 


I have very little to say about this because the storyline just wasn't very gripping. The main thing I found wrong with the storyline was that it dragged on a little. After a while, it just became predictable and unnecessary. I'm trying not to say too much as I want you guys to judge it for yourselves. It just didn't do it for me. 


I give this book a 6/9

2/3 for characters: If it weren't for Topaz, this score would've been lower. 

100% for themes: I did love the language use and the biblical allusions - also the fact that there were allusions to As You Like It by Shakespeare which made me giggle a little. 

1/3 for storyline: I just couldn't get into the main story surrounding the characters.  

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