Friday 12 August 2016

Exquisite Corpse

Well, this was horrific. I did enjoy some of the graphic stuff - but seriously, after a while, it became a little predictable and repetitive. 


My favourite character was probably Andrew, seeing at the beginning he fakes his own death before killing the people who work and the morgue. It's a very strange book - but this serial killer seems to be the only person who actually fits in with the horror descriptions. I sort of couldn't stand Luke; Jay and Tran were okay, but Andrew was the best character. 


Unfortunately, this book didn't have very many themes to choose from - so I'll go with graphic horror.  I think Brite wanted this to have the effect of shock and surprise. After a while - I'll say again - this wore off completely and became a sort of drag to read. A good theme to use, but it was just overused. 


Okay, well I really didn't think much of the storyline; again, the same things kept happening over and over again until it just became predictable to read. I understand that the killings are horrific and terrifying, but the overused graphic horror seemed to override and underlying story that Brite was trying to put out. 


I give this book 3/9

2/3 for characters: Andrew was a very well designed character and his dialogue was pretty good too, especially when he was talking to others. Also, the fact that he faked his death was pretty cool, I thought. 

1/3 for themes: It was used - but then it was overused. 

0/3 for storyline: Not great and very repetitive. 

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