Friday 2 September 2016


So, this is an intense size of a book - also it is one of my favourite horror novels. Why? Well, this was the first horror novel I read that scared the hell out of me. I hate clowns. 

I'm gonna try and keep this short - seeing as the name of this blog is "tiny reviews" and not "lengthy pieces of information that nobody's gonna read". I'm purely going to focus on the parts that I thought did well in the novel and exactly why you should read it. 

You can already tell this is gonna be a positive review. 


My favourite character was "It" and this is because this morphing and strange creature did well at scaring the kids - but also did well on scaring the shit out of me. I seriously don't know how Stephen King does it - but whatever he does, it's very, very frightening. 


My favourite theme in the whole novel was the theme of fear and phobia. Not just the horror writing itself - but King wants to invite you to understand your own fear and phobias - that's until you read another Stephen King novel again and scare the daylights out of yourself. 


I thoroughly enjoyed the storyline because of its sense to jigsaw everything together - as Stephen King does. It was full of unexpected turns and it was almost like you are working as you read because you have to piece things together throughout the book. 


I give this book 9

100% for characters: Oh dear God why...

100% for themes: I challenge anyone to tell me who does fear and phobia better than Stephen King

100% for storyline: I enjoyed this part because it felt more like an investigation than a horror novel

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