Wednesday, 14 September 2016


Renowned as one of the greatest novels of the English language, I will tell you exactly what sets this book aside from others. 

I first read this book when I was 17 and doing my A Levels. I have quite an old copy of the book - but it is a Wordsworth classic edition - so you can imagine that it has been kept in great condition. 

Forgive me, this is written in a moving car. 


My favourite character was Lydgate - he seemed the most three dimensional of them all. Whilst living in 1820s - the entire character of Lydgate was a tragic - yet poetically brilliant character with such intricate design.


My favourite theme was place. The whole aspect of Middlemarch as a place was the reason for various love stories, tragedies, idealists and optimists. The place always seems to be the link between people and emotion though. That's really what I loved.


I truly loved the ending. It was one of the best endings in literature that I've ever read. I would advise you to read it - and I'm sorry that I cannot do more since I'm in a moving car and it is very difficult to type and concentrate here. But, I will let you know, it's amazing. 


I give this book 9

100% for characters: Every character just seemed to fit in. Nobody seemed completely out of place, they all had reason. 

100% for themes: No other novel does what "Middlemarch" does in terms of place. 

100% for storyline: The novel seriously lives up to its title. 

But, it seems like I'm reading Romola at the moment.

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