Monday 27 June 2016

The Iliad

Homer's Epic Poem "The Iliad" has endured centuries of analysis and close-reading and yet has a long way to go in terms of fame and remembrance. In fact, I know many people who read it today for pleasure. Here's my verdict of a poem that created one of the greatest heroes know to mankind: Achilles.


My favourite character was, in fact, Achilles. Now, there are several reasons for that - the first and most foremost one is that whenever you think of "Achilles", you think of this:

Damn straight. Brad Pitt as Achilles in the film Troy. 

Well, Achilles the hero is an immortal and he's extremely stubborn. As a demigod, he is the only one that shows an actual three dimensional vision of every human emotion physically possible. He is a great antihero who then turns into a human/god superpower and is emotionally damaged by the death of Patroclus - which haunts him until the end. 


Well, one of the main themes - (if you haven't guessed) - is war and redemption. The entire basis of the war is not the actual war, but the war that Achilles and other characters have with themselves. For example, when Patroclus died, Achilles had to up his courage to Hector - and when Hector died, the women had to put through a point in order to get his body back for a funeral. A brilliant interweaving of mass war and personal war. 


The storyline is sometimes a little difficult to follow, but the emotions are put together very strongly. Each piece and character are finely tuned like a melody, to suit their own said piece. My favourite part is probably the face/off between Achilles and Hector. 


I'm not doing a rating for this because you can't rate something so Brad....I mean Iliad. 

It's brilliant. Whatever you say, it's brilliant. 

Here's some pictures of Brad as Achilles - F-Y-E:

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